
Artifact [50635d6301]

Artifact 50635d6301c2e775cf57ef1bda7bdfd059442cb3:

# -*- tcl -*-
# $Id: toc.wiki,v 1.6 2005/09/28 04:51:19 andreas_kupries Exp $
# Engine to convert a doctoc document into Wiki markup.
# Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@sourceforge.net>
# Freely redistributable.

dt_source _toc_common.tcl   ; # Shared code


proc toc_postprocess {wiki} {
    # Strip empty lines out of the generated wiki source
    # and trim leading blanks, except in code samples.
    set lines [list]
    foreach line [split $wiki \n] {
	if {[string match " |*" $line]} {
	    # Verbatim / example
	    lappend lines [string trimright $line]
	} elseif {[string match ". *" $line]} {
	    # Verbatim / regular
	    lappend lines [string range [string trimright $line] 1 end]
	} elseif {[string match "   \* *" $line]} {
	    # Itemized lists.
	    lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]]
	} elseif {[string match "   1. *" $line]} {
	    # Enumerated lists
	    lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]]
	} elseif {[regexp "^   (\[^:\]): " $line]} {
	    # Definition list
	    lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]]
	} elseif {[string match " *" $line]} {
	    # Unwanted indentation
	    lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trim $line]]
	} else {
	    # Everything else
	    lappend lines [string map {[ [[ ] ]]} [string trimright $line]]
    set wiki [join $lines \n]\n

    regsub {^[ ]+} $wiki {} wiki
    return $wiki

proc fmt_plain_text {text} {if {$text != {}} {return \n} else {return {}}}

## Backend for wiki markup

proc fmt_toc_begin      {label title} {return "Table of Contents '''$label'''\n'''[string trim $title]'''"}
proc fmt_toc_end        {}                {return {}}
proc fmt_division_start {title symfile}   {return '''[string trim $title]'''}
proc fmt_division_end   {}                {return {}}
proc fmt_item           {file label desc} {return "   \[$label\]:   $file -- $desc"}
proc fmt_comment        {text}            {return {}}
